Real Neat Blog Award

Hello everyone! I’m going to be answering a few questions today, as I have been nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award by the wonderful Grace from Following Him Beside Still Waters 🙂 Thank you so much for the nomination! And now, let’s get onto the 7 questions!


  1. Spaghetti or pizza? I hate to admit this, but I don’t actually like pizza (I know, I’m weird)… so I’ll have to go with spaghetti! XD
  2. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? This is a hard one! I’m going to have to say Zoella. I love her blog and YouTube channel, and it would be a great experience for me to see how she acts off camera, and how she balances real life and work. I’d also love to get an insight into her editing style ❤
  3. If the moon were made out of cheese, what kind of cheese would you want it to be? Gotta say cheddar. Classic 😉 Or maybe brie?
  4. Favourite dessert? There are too many! Some of my favourites are sticky toffee pudding, apple pie, and ice cream split. However if we’re just picking one I’ll have to go with hot chocolate brownies and cream… yum!
  5. Do you keep a journal? I used to have a proper journal, and I wrote every day, but I started to grow out of it until there was a year gap between each entry. Nowadays I much prefer bullet journaling, and I also like to think of my blog as a bit of a journal…?
  6. What is a favourite photo that you’ve taken? I honestly cannot answer this question. To me, each photo is special and unique in its own way. It’s captured a beautiful moment in time. I guess that to answer this question, I’ll say that I love sunset shots. The colours – the pinks, purples, yellows and oranges – they all look beautiful together.
  7. If you could be any age for a day, how old would you want to be? Such a hard question! When I was 7, I wanted to be 7 forever. Then at 8, I wanted to be 8 forever… and so on! Now, I’d love to be 21 for a day. I’d love to see how my future self copes with work (I’m hoping I’ll be in uni at this age) and play, and I’d also love to see if I’m still blogging!

That’s all the questions! Now it’s time for me to create some of my own.


  1. If you could have any job/career, what would it be?
  2. If you were a cake, which flavour would you be?
  3. What’s your favourite piece of clothing that you own?
  4. Would you rather be a board game or an Xbox?
  5. Star or love heart?
  6. What’s your biggest desire for life?
  7. If you had the choice, would you be an only child or would you have siblings?

I NOMINATE: (sorry if you don’t do awards)

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you’ve enjoyed, see you all soon!

Incomplete Thinker xx

31 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award

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  1. I know! Yeah, that is helpful if you’ve got the focus right. Mine never did that but hopefully if I get a new one (I’ve been talking about getting a new one for weeks. Will I ever get round to deciding? 😂 😂 ) it will do that.

    It’s truly annoying…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mine has a way to manually make it focus, but I haven’t played with those functions much… my dad showed me once; perhaps I should play with that again. It might be worth it to learn how to use the manual focus because then the camera will be forced to focus where you want, and won’t go in and out of focus. 🙂 So many macro shots have been utterly ruined! XD I hope that the new camera you chose has a function like that! 😀

    Haha, I haven’t decided yet either! So many to choose from! I have my eye on one I saw at Walmart for under $200 (not sure how much that would be in pounds…) and it looked really cool. It had a 30X zoom which would be AMAZING – mine has a 3X zoom. I don’t like being that close to some things!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That sounds good – have a little play around and see what you like. Yes, I think it would be really useful. Definitely, I’ll make sure it has that function 🙂

    There are just too many! $200? Sounds about £130? I’ll Google it.

    /five minutes later/

    $200 = £154.13… XD

    A very good price for something with that kind of zoom! I’m going to now go find out what Walmart is… XD

    Liked by 1 person

  4. 😀 Good luck finding one!

    Oh, how cool! Not as much of a difference as I expected!

    Yeah, it is; I was surprised!

    Haha, it’s a supermarket. Walmart happens to be based in Arkansas (Bentonville I think) so we have a LOT of them. XD

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you! 🙂

    Yes, the dollar and the pound are actually closer than I used to think they were! A pound is one dollar and twenty-nine cents, if I’m correct XD

    Definitely! Me too…

    I see! Sounds a bit like Asda for us? Our town has SO many supermarkets: Tescos, Sainsburys, Morrisons, Marks and Spencers, Aldi… XD

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 🙂

    $1.29. Wow, how cool! 🙂

    Slightly off-topic… XD I have a 20 pence coin that someone apparently mistook for a nickel (five cents) or a quarter (twenty-five cents) in U.S. currency and spent it. It looks like that’s equal to about 30 cents…? So someone obviously messed up. XD However, I really like it and I’m keeping it; I got really excited when I realized it wasn’t a nickel or quarter. XD

    Oooh. XD Haha, I haven’t seen one of those around here. Must be nice to have a variety of different supermarkets though! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I know, right? 🙂

    Woah, that’s pretty cool! Haha XD I have a coin which I think is a quarter, it was just lying in the street for some reason…? XD It can be my lucky coin! 🙂

    Yeah, I think it’s a British-only store. Haha, yes, there’s a lot of options! Our town is actually tiny, but over-catered for because of the SWARMS of tourists XD

    Liked by 1 person

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