
Hi, guys! Today, I have some exciting news. (Yes, I know I say that about everything, but this is super exciting. At least, I hope it is!)

I’ve been thinking long and hard about where I want to go with my blog. Now that it’s summer, and we’ve progressed to the second half of 2017 (WHAT?! When did that happen…?), I want to start… well, mixing things up, I guess!

I’m a big believer in change, and I like branching out and trying new things, even if they don’t always go to plan 😉 So I thought I’d try writing a few new types of post.

I know most of what I write about is quite thoughtful and serious, but I’d also like to start doing some more funny/casual posts.

Personally, I like to read about what I write. My reading brain and writing brain are pretty similar. And I’ve noticed recently I’ve been reading a lot of fashion, recipes, photography (can you read photos…?) and travel.

I’m not going to throw myself onto a different planet and try everything at once, I’m just going to take it a step at a time.

My blog already has a bit of photography (don’t worry, I’ll be posting more pictures than usual as the summer goes on) but it doesn’t have any travel, which is what I’d like to expand to. So I’m going to start doing a few travel-related posts!

Luckily, I am going on a two-week vacation in a week and a bit, so I’m going to be doing a travel diary! I’ll hopefully have lots of pictures to share with you as well, and before I leave for my vacation I’m hoping to write a packing checklist, or something similar to that.

I really hope you guys like this idea of me writing travel posts! If I don’t feel like it’s working and I don’t want to continue, I’ll stop and go back to what I normally do. It’s all part of the experimenting process.

And since this post has turned into a bit of an ‘update’, I’ll just let you all know that I’m actually working really hard on developing a more frequent posting schedule! Now that it’s summer I’m trying my best to post at least twice a week. This is partly because when I leave for vacation I definitely won’t be posting as much, but I still want to have some new-ish content for you guys. We’ll see how it goes.

One last thing before I leave: yesterday, our little blogging community hit 50 followers!!!!!! (At time of writing we’re at 52!!!) I know it’s a pretty small achievement compared to all those out there with 100,000 followers or something crazy like that (a number I could only ever dream of reaching), but THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who’s supported me along my blogging journey so far!! Everyone here is so lovely and you guys can always cheer me up when I’m feeling down 🙂 Sending you all a virtual hug ❤ ❤ ❤

Thank you all for reading, I’ll see you soon!

Incomplete Thinker xx

9 thoughts on “Experimenting

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  1. Wow, congratulations! 😀

    Experimenting can be good! A year ago, I intended for my blog to focus on Bible studies and book reviews, but somehow, it started focusing on poetry I’ve written and photography along the way. I still do the studies and book reviews on occasion, but not as often as I once did. It’s good to branch out and try new topics! 🙂

    Enjoy your vacation! 🙂

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